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Group Ginger picked for Middlesbrough Old Town Hall transformation

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Group Ginger picked for Middlesbrough Old Town Hall transformation

June 2024

The £3.5m project involves renovation of the Old Town Hall; with demolition of an unsympathetic 1970s extension, to be replaced by a more suitable contemporary intervention; and development of a quality public realm scheme.

The job is the latest in a series of Group Ginger adaptive re-use projects in regional locations facing issues of C21 urban decline which make development economics particularly challenging. Our 2019 reinvention of the Grade II-listed former Hartlepool post office created a new chapter for the building as a centre of gravity for the town’s creative industries and won a RIBA award.

The project team for Middlesbrough Old Town Hall is united by the belief that demolition of existing buildings is a waste of money, materials and memory, with each recognised within their fields as leading circular economy practitioners pioneering sustainable re-use projects. Group Ginger are joined by Civic (structures), Max Fordham (MEP), RLB (QS/PD/Fire) and Planit.