A new arrival experience for the city

York Station Gateway
This masterplan for York Station includes a comprehensive reorganisation of the front of the Grade II* listed railway station. Piecemeal non-original accretions added to the station over the years have been stripped away and accommodation re-provided.
Group Ginger has carefully designed two new independent timber pavilions to sit demurely within the iconic station structure to re-house the train operator facilities and station retailers, benefitting staff and passengers alike. Collaboration with stakeholders regarding the station’s complex operational requirements has created a seamless user experience. Extensive consultation with Historic England and the City of York’s Conservation team secured support for the design approach, with the new timber pavilions echoing the rhythm and balance of the curved station roof and structure.
The design foregrounds inclusivity, accessibility, and sustainability, resulting in functional and efficient spaces that are sympathetic to the heritage status of York Station. The pavilions are designed for a limited life of up to 15 years and our circular design approach considered how they can be dismantled and re-used in future.
Sustainably sourced, natural materials with low embodied carbon and that can be recycled or reused after use minimise the environmental impact of the design. We have reduced the reliance on mechanical and electrical building services by upgrading the building fabric to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and reduce maintenance requirements during the building’s life.
Major civil engineering works remove the elevated section of highway and re-organise the transport network to create a hub; allowing visitors to easily move between different modes of transport. This upgraded space improves access to the station, providing an easier and safer experience for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users; encouraging green travel and contributing positively to the cultural and social fabric of the surrounding community.

City of York Council, Network Rail, LNER
Structural engineers
City of York Council, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Network Rail, and LNER are working together to deliver this major upgrade, which is set to be completed in 2025.