Live-work flexibility for an artist and her daughter.

Mildmay Grove
Mildmay Grove reconfigures a two-storey warehouse into a pair of residential flats. The property sits within the ‘Mildmay Character Zone’ of Newington Green Conservation Area, surrounded by predominantly mid-nineteenth-century properties of various architectural styles. Group Ginger’s design enhances the character of the building. A small rooftop extension offers greater flexibility for the client to use the property as a home and a studio, and the ability to offer independent living to her daughter.
Future adaptability has been designed in from the beginning. Layouts are deliberately generously proportioned and flexible so that the client can rearrange and subdivide the space as needed at any given time. This gives them the ability to create space for an office, studio, or separate apartment for family members as required.
Enlarged first-floor windows improve natural light and reinforce the industrial character of the space. This character is further reinforced by new steel doors at ground floor level, which open out onto the front garden.
External changes aim to harmonize with the surrounding streetscape. The contemporary rooftop extension is clad in metal, with thin-section metal windows creating visual distinction from the original building. A new boundary wall with black metal railings encloses the front garden. Careful design ensures minimal impact on neighbouring properties, with a modest scale and stepped-back profile. A rights-to-light study guides the extension's form to mitigate overlooking and loss of privacy.
Overall, the proposal seeks to modernize and extend the existing warehouse making it suitable for the artist and her family. The proposals are modest and respect the historical context and neighbouring properties.

Private Client